
Showing posts with the label Food Security

How to Rake in Millions from Sesame Seed Export Business in Nigeria

Sesame Seed Export Business in Nigeria - When the word “exporting” is mentioned to some Nigerians who are seeking means of making money or investing to yield returns, they back off! Having this mindset that it is for a particular stratum of individuals in business! Sesame Seed Export Business in Nigeria The Agricultural sector has been very productive for exporters. Right now, amongst other products, sesame seeds are in high demand by exporters because of the huge profits it yields! Sesame Seed Export Business in Nigeria – What are Sesame Seeds? Sesame seeds are oil seeds that are grown/ cultivated, harvested mostly in temperate and tropical regions of the world. It is seen to be protected with a coat which is fibrous in nature. Its variety could depict its coloration, which could be brown or white. The oil content of sesame seed is high and it is between 44% – 60% of the seed. Sesame seed is mostly cultivated twice in a year. First planting is usually from April – May, and la

How To Begin Fish Farming In Nigeria, The 7 Benefits Of Fish Farming

There are so many information on the internet on “How to Start Fish Farming in Nigeria” but few are detailed enough to really assist aspiring fish farmer to get started. I will be endeavor to make this article as detailed as possible and hope that other experienced fish farmer will add to it as we try to answer people’s questions through commenting. One of the most popular farming in Nigeria is fish farming and for good reasons. Gone are the days when the only means of getting fish is by catching it in the local rivers and ponds through trial and errors. Today, the modern farm practice has made it possible to grow fish in the farms and control the input. If you are thinking of business to start now, I recommend you start CatFish Farming in Nigeria. If you are an existing farmer and you are looking for expanding your farm capacity, I’d encourage you add fish farming to your farm. Fish farming (especially catfish) is most compatible with poultry farming as you can use the poultry

Your usual Motorbike can now irrigate your farms

Even as Car & General forecast a slow down in the purchase of new motorcycles and see new growth areas to be the Corporate and Courier services where they are employing more motorcyclist to run petty errands, rural farmers could be a new market segment as a smart innovator has designed a pump that can be connected to the motorbike and irrigate farms.    Today, the motorcycle is a multipurpose engine for smart farmers who wants to fully exploit the engine either to transport people, farm produce, pump water for irrigation, spray chemicals on their farms or do car wash business at the nearest shopping center.    All a farmer needs to do is to purchase a special device that is retailing at NGN 25,000 by a local company like LiRéPâ Agro-allied Services and connect it to the motorbike.    The pump is efficient as it can pump 40,000 litres of water using a half a litre of fuel. Watch the video here :  This is a step more in the right direction for farm mechanization and farmer

Dry Season Farming...

This post on irrigation is informed by the fact that the dry season is usually a challenging period for farmers especially  in Northern Nigeria. With an average Precipitation that is below 60 millimetres and lack of watering holes, farmers face many challenges in planting. Some farmlands receive yearly rainfall of about 20 inches. Many farmlands in the North have become degraded. Areas that used to be covered by trees and homes have been deforested. Also, the climate is changing the outlook of farming. Farmers face unpredictable weather brought on by climate change. Sometimes the rainy season comes late; at other times, it ends early. Sometimes the rains come late and hard, causing floods. At other times, rains don’t come at all, causing drought. With these weather changes, it is difficult for farmers to plan which crops to grow, when to prepare land, when to plant, and how to plan other farming tasks. Worst hit are those from the North who have  to  respond to serious weather ch

10 Reasons why Young Nigerians are returning to the Farms

I think agriculture has enormous potential for eradicating poverty, it needs youthful energy and passionate team players. It is on record that Nigeria has over 84 million hectares of arable land, out of which only 40% is cultivated. Estimated at over 180 million people, it is also emerging as Africa’s largest agricultural market. Supported by nature, the country’s crops that could earn huge foreign exchange include beans, yams, sesame, cashew nuts, cassava, cocoa beans, groundnuts, gum arabic, kolanut, maize , banana, melon, millet, palm kernels, palm oil, plantains, rice, rubber, sorghum, soybeans and yams. These have potentials of commercial quantities. These days rather than hustle to get white collar jobs, a large number of youths yearn to be their own bosses, building their own business from the ground up. This entrepreneurial tendency has led many of them to look into farming and other branches of Agriculture. There are quite a lot of examples of this. What are the reasons b